Preparing to launch!

Friendly resources:
Check out Nano Wrimo, National Writing Month, geared to get you started writing.
The website program lets you track how many words you write in a day, week or month during Writing month and several writer camps.
Books you like. Deconstruct them. Analyze what popular authors in your genre do to keep readers on the page.
Read writing how to books and google author tips.
Drawing from writer guides and novels you like, craft a novel writing plan of your own.
Even professional writers have to deal with that first, glaring. blank white page.
You will find it easier to get started if, before you reach that point, you have a plan.
Everyone wrestles with how to start.
Authors use different tools to conquer the blank page. They can include, but are not limited to:
* The outline
* A writing schedule
* Carrying a small idea notebook or using notes in your smart phone
* Attending a writers' group
Most authors wrestle with how to start slapping words on a blank page.
If you have a plan -- it's a little easier to know where you're going throughout the entire book. However some writers, referred to as punsters, like to just free-write. If that's you, go for it.
Beginnings are important. Be sure to include elements to the right to orient readers in the first chapters.